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Other publishers, editions and labels that belong to the AMA Group:
- Orchestra (+)
- Big Band (17)
- Solo Instruments and Orchestra
- Piano and Orchestra (69)
- Accordion/Bandoneon and Orchestra (18)
- Percussions and Orchestra (17)
- Violin and Orchestra (52)
- Viola and Orchestra (12)
- Cello and Orchestra (25)
- Harp and Orchestra (2)
- Guitar and Orchestra (18)
- Guitars and Orchestra (12)
- Flute and Orchestra (12)
- Clarinet and Orchestra (18)
- Oboe and Orchestra (16)
- Bassoon and Orchestra (3)
- Saxophon and Orchestra (7)
- Horn and Orchestra (3)
- Trumpet and Orchestra (7)
- Trombone and Orchestra (5)
- Tuba and Orchestra (4)
- Solo Instruments (several) and Orchestra (40)
- Vocals and Orchstra (+)
- Choir and Orchestra (+)
Guitar and Orchestra
Reinbert Evers (Editor)
Anatolijus Senderovas (Šenderovas)
Ich hab' auch Arme ausgestreckt - Mirage …
Concerto for Guitar and String Orchestra
Reinbert Evers (Editor)
Anatolijus Senderovas (Šenderovas)
Ich hab' auch Arme ausgestreckt - Mirage …
Concerto for Guitar and String Orchestra
ISBN 978-3-7333-1274-9
ISMN M-2032-2225-5
Product No. NM1696
in preparation
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