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Other publishers, editions and labels that belong to the AMA Group:
- Piano (+)
- Cembalo (+)
- Organ (+)
- Acccordion (+)
- Drums and Percussion (+)
- Violin (+)
- Viola (+)
- Violoncello (+)
- Double Bass (+)
- Harp (+)
- Guitar (+)
- Zither (3)
- Mandolin (+)
- Balalaika and piano (4)
- Recorder (+)
- Flute (+)
- Oboe (+)
- English Horn (21)
- Clarinet (+)
- Saxophon (+)
- Bassoon (+)
- Horn (+)
- Trumpet (+)
- Trombone (+)
- Baritone (4)
- Flugelhorn (6)
- Tuba (+)
- Non-European instruments (45)
- Vocals (+)
- Choir (+)
- Chamber Music - Strings (+)
- Chamber Music - Wind Player (+)
- Chamber Music - Mixed Cast
- mixed Cast, Trio (213)
- mixed Cast, Quartet (148)
- mixed Cast, Quintet (147)
- mixed Cast, larger (526)
mixed Cast, larger
Caspar de Gelmini
nach dem gleichnamigen Text von Jan Decker
für großes Ensemble und 6 Sprecher
Thomas Buchholz
Feste Burg
Texte von Martin Luther, Heiner Müller und Johannes Richter
Kantate für Alt solo, Sprecher, Blockflötenquartett, Posaunenchor, Kinderchor, Frauenchor, gemischten Chor, Orgel und elektroakustisches Zuspiel
Reiko Füting
"als ein licht"/extensio
composition after Kathleen Furthmann for vocal ensemble, consort of viols, percussion quartet and positive organ
Reiko Füting
"in allem frieden"
composition after Kathleen Furthmann for vocal ensemble, consort of viols, percussion quartet and positive organ
Jeffrey Ching
"Schweig und sei still!" (...un lume acceso...)
Monodrama after Verdi’s Otello
for soprano/speaker, six or twelve cellos, and piano
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