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Angot, Elisabeth

Elisabeth Angot was born in Paris in 1988. After many years of piano studies, she started the study of instrumental composition with Thierry Blondeau and electroacoustic composition with Christine Groult in the Conservatoire of Pantin. From 2013, she studied at the University of Arts in Berlin (UdK Berlin) and in Maura Lanza's and Elena Mendoza’s classes. In 2018 she graduated the Master of Composition at the UdK with a master-thesis about Francesco Filideis first opera: "Spuren der Tradition in Francesco Filideis Giordano Bruno: Erneuerung der Gattung Oper von innen heraus".
Elisabeth Angot's works are interpreted by the Ensemble MusikFabrik, the Ensemble mosaik, Jungendkammerorchester Berlin, Orkest de Ereprejs (Nederland), the Quatuor Girard, Ensemble Kuraia, Ensemble Callisto, Divertimento Ensemble, Modern Art Ensemble, Ensemble Ilinx etc.
Her pieces have been performed in France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Belgium… (Philharmonie de Paris, Berliner Staatsoper, Fondation Royaumont...)
As Artistic Director, she has founded in 2014 with the sociologist Célia Poulet Les Rencontres Musicales et Scientifiques, a unique festival reuniting researchers and musicians on concert and roundtables about different questions on music.
2019 she has founded the Ensemble 44, constituted by singers and instrumentalists interested in new music.
2022 Elisabeth Angot is Laureate of the Banque Populaire Foundation.