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Edwards, Peter Ivan
Peter Ivan Edwards is a composer who utilizes sound as a means to articulate energy, shape, narrative, and perspective in his music. He commonly employs computer-assisted and algorithmic means as a creative tool for experimentation and development of his work.
His works have been performed at festivals including Darmstadt Summer Courses (Germany), MATA Festival (New York), Donaueschinger Musiktage (Germany), Wien Modern (Austria), and June in Buffalo (New York). Additionally, his works have been premiered throughout the world by numerous performers and ensembles including Ensemble Phoenix Basel (Switzerland), hand werk (Cologne), Ensemble Interface (Frankfurt), Mutare Enemble (Frankfurt), Ensemble SurPlus (Freiburg), Ensemble Chronophonie (Freiburg), Ensemble Ascolta (Stuttgart), Ensemble Selisih (Freiburg), mmm... collective (Tokyo), red fish blue fish (San Diego), La Jolla Symphony, conductor Sian Edwards (UK), percussionists Max Riefer (Germany) and Aiyun Huang (Canada), contralto Noa Frenkel (Israel/Holland), kayageum player Heesun Kim (South Korea), trumpeter Stephen Altoft (UK/Germany), pianist Jongah Yoon (South Korea/Singapore), flutist Reiko Manabe (Japan), and guitarist Colin McAllister (USA). Most recently a CD of his works entitled ionobia was released on the NEOS Music label.
Edwards is also active as an improviser on electronic instruments. As a member of the experimental trio Ang Mo Faux (2008-2013), Edwards performed at the Mosaic Festival (Singapore), the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory Chamber Music Festival (Singapore), the NetMusic 2013 Symposium (multiple cities throughout the world), the 2nd Performer's Voice Symposium (Singapore), and the Silpakorn Festival (Bangkok Arts and Culture Center, Thailand). In 2012, Ang Mo Faux released the CD Improvisations on the Palace of Lights label. As a member of Zero Crossing (2013-present), a percussion and electronics duo, Edwards has performed on the Spectra 2014 Electronic Music Festival (Malaysia) and the 40 Jahre Freiburger Schlagzeugensemble Jubiläumsveranstalung (Germany) as well as performed in various cities in South East Asia with other experimental music improvisers.
Edwards was born in New York in 1973, studied composition at Northwestern University; UC, San Diego; and the Folkwang Hochschule in Essen, Germany. His principle composition teachers were Chaya Czernowin and Nicolaus A. Huber. He currently lives in Singapore where he teaches music composition and computer music at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music.